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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Grounded in Biblical Truth

Our programs and curriculum are designed to integrate biblical truth and to help students learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and grace.


Average Class Size


AP/Dual Enrollment Courses


College Bound

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Westminster Reading Initiative

In an effort to promote the value of literacy in a culture that is quickly forgetting the importance of reading, Westminster students are required to maintain a list of all the books they read between 7th and 12th grade.

Academic Resources

Teacher Dan Legters helps students in Spanish class

Academic Support

Westminster offers students a variety of academic support options. Advisory, Connect, and the Math & Writing Center are just a few of the resources available to meet students’ needs.

Explore Academic Resources

College & Career Counseling

Westminster families work closely with counselors to develop the best plan for their future graduates as part of our five-year college and career counseling program.

Learn About the Planning Process

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Summer Reading 2024

All students entering grades 7-12 are required to complete summer reading. View assignment details below.
